One of the students that stayed after was one of my 7th graders. I felt God telling me that I needed to pray with him, so I sat and prayed with him and then we just started talking. He was shaken up and strongly affect by what Ryan said about God acting as the Bridegroom. He has already said "I do" and he's just waiting for your answer. He saw pretty clearly that he hasn't answered back. He, like most of the students at SCCLC, has learned about God, the Bible, and religion, but he didn't KNOW God. After a long conversation about the things that have been keeping him from that relationship with God, he surrendered His life to Christ.
This student has two brothers, one older & one younger. When I asked him about what it is that has been separating him from God, and what it is that he has been holding onto, he said his relationship with his brother. He prayed for God to forgive him for his fights with his brothers, and the selfishness and anger that he has had specifically towards his younger brother. I told him that with the help of the Holy Spirit he has the opporunity to lead his brothers by example, and to share the gospel with them.
Which brings me to the second conversation of the day. The only explanation is a divine one because his younger brother was in my music class today, and to be frank, he had a pretty bad day. Because he wasn't making the best choices I disciplined him by witholding his reward at the end of class. This devasted him to the point of an intense fury at himself. He was so angry that he couldn't even function. I attempted to talk with him, but he was unable to control his anger and started beating himself up for making the mistakes he made. Eventually I was able to convince him to return to class and look forward to a brand new day.
What an awesome picture God painted for me about redemption and triumph over sin. I see, now, that God patterned these conversations today. He chose to allow me to have the conversations with these brothers and breathe truth into their lives. God told me that I needed to speak to both of these boys, and because of these experiences today, I can see that God is doing a great work in that family. What a blessing it is to be His Chosen instrument for His name to be proclaimed. PRAISE GOD for our new BROTHER IN CHRIST. Pray for me as I continue to talk with the older brother tomorrow about showing his younger brother Christ's love.
This is why I came to Bolivia. This is why I chose to obey God's call. What more can I do but PRAISE HIM?
Watch the video below to listen to a new song by my recently favorite band The Rend Collective Experiment that I have been listening to on repeat...and caused me to dance around my classroom during my free period today! Maybe it will cause you to dance in the name of Jesus :)
Thanks for faithfully reading, praying, and supporting me!
- Pray for the NEW BELIEVERS that are popping up all over campus. Pray that their decisions will cause CHANGE and for them to be faithful followers EVEN if they're discrouraged by others.
- Friday is All Saints Day, lots of Spiritual Warfare in Bolivia...pray for those who are on the fence of truth that they will be steered the right way
- We have a Middle School Crew meeting on Friday night at OUR HOUSE. Pray that myself and Rachel Rogers are able to guide these students to be good spiritual leaders to their classes. Following our meeting, we are having a movie night and I'm super PUMPED that the kids are going to hang out and fellowship at my home.
- I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed with the workload, and I could use prayer for strength and perseverance through the storm
- I have been meeting with Middle School girls for lunch dates. My goal is to meet with all of the middle schoolers for lunch in order to get to know them by the end of the quarter. Pray that God allows for this to happen, and I have MEANINGFUL conversations with them all!
We have been learning about figurative language in 7th grade English and this boy was so excited to tell me how cool it is that Ryan used a simile during his message: "white as snow" and then he was excited to see that "tying the knot" is symbolic of our relationship with Christ. It warmed my heart that the teaching in my classroom would cause a student to take something vital and necessary out of a Gospel message, and that my student is actually LEARNING something!! What purpose this brings to my job as a TEACHER and a MISSIONARY.