When I was in 5th grade, I got in an argument with one of my friends. I don't even remember what the fight was about, but I know that it was most likely not worth the hours and hours (which seemed like days in a 5th grade mind) of time that we did not speak to eachother. Eventually I broke my wall of pride down and apologized, but my friend did NOT want to hear it. She refused my apology. I was apalled. HOW could someone not forgive my sincerest apology? HOW could someone be so proud and mean!? How could someone make me feel so small and worthless?
I have always accepted God grace for myself. I know myself well enough to see that I do not deserve the supernatural grace that God has given me willingly. Ever since I was a small girl I have learned the truth of His mercy. Through so many avenues God has taught me about His ultimate sacrfice: the wordless book, diarammas in Sunday School, countless altar calls, bible songs accompanied by intense sign language..and many many more. But I never really and truly grasped the grace and mercy of God until I saw that I needed it: when it wasn't given to me willingly by those who I desperately wanted it from.
As I look back on the dramatic argument of 5th grade, I'm starting to see it from my friend's perspective. I see why it might have been that she refused to forgive me. I see why it is that she didn't want to be involved in my life. I betrayed her. I hurt her. I made her feel small and worthless. God had already forgiven me for the things that I said and did to her, but all I cared about was the fact that she DIDN'T forgive me.
How often do I see myself on both sides of this scenario. Wanting desperately for someone to forgive me, and then on the other side: too prideful to forgive. Such is the neverending cycle of unforgiveness that so many of us fall into, and honestly I have fallen into it.
I hurt so I hurt someone else.Why is it that my flesh wins time and time again? Thank you, Lord, for showing me my heart.
I'm not forgiven, so I don't forgive.
God teach me how to see, know, and remember that your grace is enough
Please be praying for me this week as I learn how to forgive as well as how to be far from home.